May 01, 2007

DWTS4: Six Couples Dance Twice: April 30

Heather Mills is gone (yay!) Goodbye, Awkward Clomping. Alas, perhaps I speak too soon? We shall see. Tonight, the couples perform twice, first a ballroom dance and then a Latin dance. Both dances will be judged for a total possible score of 60 from Len, Bruno and Carrie Ann. Len starts them off with a bit of chat slash pep talk slash warning. After more than 2 months of learning dance moves and being judged, they should all be stepping up to the challenge of learning two dances in about 3-4 days.

Laila & Maks
Laila interviews she doesn't feel she's in a great position being the only female star left in the competition. At least she's tactful. Laila intends to knock out one of the guys. Certainly she and Maks should outlast at least two of the men, and both MultiGeminii and I see this couple lasting to the Finale. Tonight they're doing the Quick-Step and the Samba. With each couple receiving only the one rehearsal segment for the 1-3/4 hour show, we're told which dance they'll be doing later as well as now first.

He's in a lovely charcoal pinstripe, she's in a lovely white backless dress. The song is Part-Time Lover, which works really well for this dance. The steps are difficult to execute without tripping and falling over each other. Laila & Maks make it seem effortless. Well, almost!

Mr. AMAI: "She's a boxer and looks better than McCartney's wife. I think it's because she's a nicer person."
AMAI: "So cute, these two. I really like Laila."
MG: "Yes. None of my female co-workers are rooting for her. Jealous."
AMAI: "None?
MG: "Just me."
AMAI: That's retarded! These two are great. This is a tough dance."
MG: "It's weird-looking too, but I think they did a good job anyway. I love Laila's skirt
AMAI: "Yes. She looks marvelous in this outfit."
MG: "1. Laila. Almost forgot."
AMAI: LOL.1. Laila."
MG: "I like Maks's facial hair, but it's weird with his outfit."

Len: "You turned the gas up, great quick-step. Lightness, fluidity." He does have a negative note about 'posture' which means they won't receive a 10 from him.
Bruno: "I'm not arguing now, because the night is young. You opened the door to ballroom heaven. Fantastic." That sounds like a 10.
Carrie Ann: "Momma said knock you out." Sounds like another 10.

I call it two 10s and a 9… and that's what Laila & Maks receive. I even call the judges who would give those scores, not that it was that difficult to do this time. The judges' comments and scores are starting to "add up" better than they used to.

John & Edyta
They talk about the support of the fans, without which they certainly wouldn't be here now. They're doing Foxtrot and Rumba this week. During practice she conks him in the neck with her leg (yes, I know! It sounds really weird, but she does a set of splits standing on one leg and raising the other leg right in front of John. It's awkward … and dangerous!)

For their foxtrot, he's in a tuxedo with white shirt, she's in a lemon yellow dress festooned with pink roses on the backside. Those roses are a little distracting for me; I keep thinking she looks like a moving piece of cake. The song is That's Life by Frank Sinatra. The first time I see it I have difficulty following the movements, and I'm all, "What dance is this supposed to be again?"

AMAI: "I have to say I enjoyed it more the second time I watched."
MG: "Ooh that's funny you said that. I was going to ask if I could watch it again because I'm unclear."
AMAI: "Yes! That is what I said the first time. 'What the hell are they doing?' It looked like ballroom stew, but the second viewing it really came into focus. Unfortunately, the viewers don't have a second viewing before voting and will have to vote on their first impressions."
MG: "They do if they have TiVO."
AMAI: "True. But only a fan would watch again."
MG: "Parts of that were really cute but it wasn't great."
AMAI: "I think Edyta was really carrying them this time."

Bruno: "Obviously you've been to dance rehab. Elegant, witty, sold yourself better than ever."
Carrie Ann: "I'm old-fashioned, and I love the character. Don't give up cuz you're hanging in."
Len: "We're similar ages, so I relate to you somewhat. Great performance, you always get the character of the dance. Great job."

AMAI: "It sounds like 8s and 9s, but I think they're just being nice."
MG: "1. Laila 2. John."
AMAI: "Agreed."

Judging: 8, 7, 8. Edyta can't believe the scores. John says he's still counting on his fingers. This will likely still be one of the lower scores. Edyta is pleased they're finally getting positive feedback from the judges. While Samantha does her hosting duties, John mimes being on the phone, chatting & laughing. LOL. He's such a character.

Apolo & Julianne
Their practice footage includes his induction into the Asian American Hall of Fame in Seattle. Then Apolo declares he wants the top spot all to himself. He'll need to spend more time dancing and less time flying around the country.

For the foxtrot, his suit is brown, her gown is a gorgeous blue, with a swatch of sparkly stuff running diagonally across the bodice. The song is Steppin' Out With My Baby. Some nice touches, lovely work; however the dance isn't a "wow." Nice but not fabulous.

AMAI: "That was really delightful."
MG: "I thought it was good."
AMAI: "It was delightful, but I am torn whether it deserves to be higher than Laila's?"
MG: "I'm confused on that, too. I dunno, these particular dances aren't exactly moving me. Maybe that is why it's hard to choose. 1. Laila 1. Apolo 3. John?"
AMAI: "LOL. Yeah, I'll go with the tie, too. 1. Laila/Apolo; 3. John."

Carrie Ann: "I wasn't sure if you could pull off the foxtrot, but that was dreamlike, dancing on a cloud, footwork good, your musicality surprises me."
Len: "Good dancer. That said, I am expecting great but that wasn't great. No sophistication, bouncing up and down like a beach ball."
Bruno: "Totally in tune, you sold it. I don't see what the badness was."
Len: "I've just told you."
Bruno: "In your mind."
Len: "I've had to sit next to this…"
Bruno: *puts a book up to serve as a screen*
Mr. AMAI: "Ah, the English and the French still getting along after all these years."
MG: "LOL. Len... :rolleyes"
AMAI: "Sometimes the limitations of the requirements of the dance prevent the dancers from producing whatever it is Len thinks he wants."

Judges' Scores: 9, 8, 9 for a total of 26.

After a break, Samantha notes they were surprised for the first time at the comments of the judges and they agree.

Ian & Cheryl will tango. Host Tom reminds us that last week Carrie Ann suggested these two watch & learn from Billy Ray. Who should show up to their rehearsal but Billy Ray? He tells Ian to lead with the heel, so he can be more of a heelbilly. (groan.)

He's in a suit, she's in a gray dress with sparkly bits in it.

I Need A Hero is the song. The move at the end is very smoothly done. 90210 alumni are in the audience clapping like mad.

Len: "Fire passion drama. Some clumsy steps …" The crowd boos him, so he demands they be nice to a visitor to the country. He mentions some little tiny blunders but ends on "Great job," which sounds like a 9.
Bruno: "Revenge of Ian. You went for it." He does allude to the 'mouthwash' maneuver when the couple both shook their heads as if they were gargling. Another 9?
Carrie Ann: "You had both fun and drama."

Judges: 9, 9, 9. Very nice scoring for them, and should keep them safe for the week.

AMAI: "I don't know how Cheryl won on previous years. I don't like her face."
MG: "She was with Drew Lachey or whatever his name is, and that football player. It can become a popularity contest."
AMAI: "Yes, as with everything."
MG: "1. Laila 1. Apolo 3. Ian 4. John."
AMAI: "Agreed. John is in danger this week I think."
MG: "Yeah."

Billy Ray & Karina.
He says he wants to showcase her in the beginning of their waltz. Their rehearsal footage is as usual full of her being unhappy with his fooling around.

For the performance she's in pink, he's a deep red suit with a pink shirt. The song is a Neil Diamond tune, Play Me. The dress flows nicely, as it is attached to her wrists so that she resembles a Scheherazade or a ballerina in a jewellery box. It's not really a traditional seeming waltz, but it's nice.

Judges are laughing.
Bruno: "To call this waltz unconventional is understatement. It was like a Vanna White."
Carrie Ann: "It's more than just letting Karina doing the work. There wasn't enough content."
Len: "There's always an expectation that you'll be entertaining. The only recognizable step was actually a samba step."

AMAI: "Was that better or worse than John's?"
MG: "Worse. That was all her. 1/1 Apolo/Laila 3. Ian 4. John 5. Billy Ray."
AMAI: "I have to agree again. Part of the problem is that she wasn't even as great as she usually is."
MG: "Yeah, that, and he was basically just standing around."
AMAI: "When he moved, he was walking."
MG: "Standing and walking- great dance moves Billy Ray :e yes
AMAI: He has done better. John definitely did more this time."
Mr. AMAI: "Oh, Billy Ray is actually there, I thought he phoned that one in."

I think 7s if they're lucky, but they're not: 5, 6, 6. 17/30 ooo.

Joey & Kym do the foxtrot. Joey says they're not worried about being the front-runner now and Kym adds they'll coast along and then just take them at the end. Joey says if you become too serious, you become Ian Ziering. Haha!

For the dance she's in a black pants and a sparkly silver vest. His tux is mostly plain but has some velvet strips on it. Or at least they seem velvety.

Song? The Way You Make Me Feel. At one point he whips out a handkerchief, which moments later turns into a baton!! Cool move. The crowd is on its feet.

AMAI: "That was good."
MG: "That was really good. 1. Joey. You know the rest."
AMAI: "lol yes! 1 Joey; 2/2 Laila/Apolo; 4. Ian; 5. John; 6. Billy Ray."
MG: "We're the same."
AMAI: "That hanky to baton trick was awesome. I know it's technically not dancing but it was incorporated into the performance so seamlessly."
MG: "Thank god Latin is next."

Carrie Ann: "Someone is finally pulling the stops out. You're putting in some tricks and polish." I think she's giving them a 10."
Len: "Attitude, belief, confidence. Bit too much razzle-dazzle." Not a 10.
MG: "Oh shut UP Len!"
Bruno: "You're being difficult for the sake of it. This was fantastic. Surprise and amaze an audience." Definitely a 10.

Mr. AMAI: "Two 10s and a 9."
AMAI: "I agree."
MG: "I think that's fair. It was creative and well-done."
Judges' Scores: "10, 9, 10."
AMAI: "Good going, hon!"

MG: "By the way, what did you think of The Apprentice?"
AMAI: "Good result. Glad Stefani won."
MG: "Not me."
AMAI: "Who else?"
MG: "I thought Stef's win wasn't supported by her edit."
AMAI: "I was glad James didn't win.
MG: "I liked James. I was happy with the final 4."
AMAI: "I was disappointed with who made it to the final 4. I think mostly the wrong people made it there."
MG: "I liked Stef, it just seemed like Trump changed his mind at the last minute and the edit didn't match the winner at all."
AMAI: "Oh the season was mostly crap. Several firings were jokes. Some serious missteps cost people their rightful place in my view. Kristine & Heidi should have worked together in the previous task. How the hell does Nicole do nothing and she gets thru, while Kristine does a lot and is canned?
MG: "Well, yeah, Nicole was pretty crappy but I just liked that team better."
AMAI: "I read the TWoP recaps for the show and the recapper went to the trouble of phoning the number that Kristine had on her brochure. It was actually a Trump organization number!"
MG: "Wow."
AMAI: "So that was a whole lot of b.s. how Kristine got fired for a wrong number."
MG: "One thing about me: I root for people emotionally."
AMAI: "I have done as well. But... I will also try to take into account their objective performances."
MG: "Okay, back to the Dancing!"


Laila & Maks do the Samba. He's at a table stage-side. She beckons him over. She's in an olive dress, he's got a lime green shirt on. The song does not go with this dance. At the end she is so self-involved he flaps a disgruntled hand and leaves her alone on the dance floor.

Bruno: "This performance was like the pleasure principle set to the samba beat. All the right buttons were pushed. Fire. I loved it."
Carrie Ann: "You finally gave everything. Amazing. You were sensual, sophisticated, - everything."
Len: "I just hope your dad is home watching this. He should be so proud of you. Unbelievable."

AMAI: "That sounds like three 10s to me."
MG: "Hmm. That could have been better. I think three 10s are too high. It wasn't great, seriously."
MG: "1. Joey 2. APOLO 3. Laila 4. Ian 5. John 6. Billy Ray, factoring in the latest dance, subject to change in 5 minutes."
AMAI: "I think we should judge this round separately. Then we can combine the two scores. So, 1. Laila."
MG: "Ok. 1. Laila. I kinda liked the idea of an ever-changing bar, but ok."
AMAI: "Maybe next week. I'm too tired for that kind of mental gymnastics tonight."

Judges: 10, 10, 10. WOO! 59/60 for the night.
MG: "30/30 they've lost their fucking minds."

John & Edyta do a Rumba. He's in a dark suit, she's in a light blue bit of fluff that barely qualifies as a handkerchief, never mind a dress. The song is Under Pressure, which I do not like for this at all. He does next to no work: it is all Edyta.

AMAI: "Oh dear, this second dance of John & Edyta."
MG: "He didn't do much this time. 1. Laila 2. John."
AMAI: "That was pretty sad. 1. Laila 2. John."

Carrie Ann: "Best mover of all the older gentlemen."
Len: "Footwork now improved. You're not the first older gentleman to try to seduce a younger girl. That was your best since we started."
Bruno: "I thought this would be rubbish. Very, very good performance."

AMAI: "The judges could well be losing their minds. 'Their best dance since they started?'"
MG: "The older gentlemen? Nice bitch slap, Carrie Ann."
AMAI: "What should she have said?"
MG: "She shouldn't have commented on his age at all."
AMAI: "Len also used the older gentleman moniker."
MG: "He did?"
AMAI: "Yes. 'You're not the first older gentleman to try to seduce a younger girl.'"
MG: " I must be losing my mind today too. They're judging this based on how they want people to vote, pimping some, insulting others on purpose."
AMAI: They were struggling to find anything to say about his performance, since he didn't really do anything but provide something for Edyta to drape herself on."
MG: "True."

Judges' Scores: 7, 8, 7. 22 total is 45 out of 60.

Apolo & Juliane are Mamboing to something that might be called Doctor Beat. She's in a gorgeous orange dress, he's in brown, most likely the same suit as before but without the jacket. There are some great tricks in their performance, including under the leg maneuvers.

Len: "Very, very good performance. I liked it. I can't call that great. Lacks a bit of posture."
Bruno: "Completely disagree with Len. Fab choreography. Disregard that (Len)."
Carrie Ann: "It was a little off."
Bruno argues with her.

Scores: 9, 9, 10. (Bruno declares himself the Voice of Reason).

MG: "That was better than Laila. 1. Apolo 2. Laila 3. John
AMAI: "Hmm."
MG: "No?"
AMAI: "Yeah. I have to agree."
MG: "Yay!"
AMAI: "The main problem for me with Laila's was that the song didn't go with the dance."
MG: "Yes, and it looked a little sloppy."
AMAI: "It's curious they got a set of 10s, but Apolo did not."
MG: "28/30 ROBBED!"
AMAI: "It's like you said, some are being pimped, others insulted."

Ian & Cheryl also Mambo. He's in a red top and dark pants; her dress is orange with a ruffle of yellow, orange and hot pink down the leg. It's a hotter outfit than it sounds. They have some very good moves, but it felt a little rushed toward the end and then we find out why – they were trying to catch up to the music, which they didn't quite manage to do. They're still executing steps and the song is over.

Bruno: "This is your night for a breakthrough. Best I've seen you two."
Carrie Ann: "Nice attitude shift. Work on posture, Ian."
Len has to agree with Bruno: "I was beginning to think there wasn't any chemistry between you. Great blend and chemistry."

Scores: 9, 9, 9. Total 27, with the other score is 54/60.

MG: "1. Apolo 2. Laila 3. Ian 4. John, but Ian was boring again."
AMAI: I agree with your ranking but I liked that quite a lot. Ian was the most alive he's ever been on this show."

Billy Ray and Karina Samba. He comes out in a fighter's robe for some reason, which he removes to display a black outfit. She's in an outfit of red strips. Living In America is the song.

Mr. AMAI giggles watching them, which he explains thus: "It's like he's putting weight on. Everyone else is getting slimmer."

Carrie Ann: "When I watch you I think it will go terribly wrong. Okay, your determination is beyond belief."
Len: "This was much better than the waltz. Had more content. You had fun. Well done."
Bruno: "You manage to somehow bully your way through the dance without respect for anything. We watch it and we're somehow entertained. It's just insane."

AMAI: "I love Bruno's face during his critique. He illustrates us watching in disbelief so well. Haha."
MG: "Ok, that Billy Ray thing was just about the most awkward thing ever."
AMAI: "LOL. The judges' comments are hilarious tho."
MG: 1. Apolo 2. Laila 3. Ian 4. John 5. Billy Ray
AMAI: "I think I liked Billy Ray's dance more than John's in the Latin round, but otherwise I agree with your order. 1. Apolo; 2. Laila; 3. Ian; 4. Billy Ray; 5. John.

Judges: 7, 7, 7. Total 21. Billy Ray is tickled to death. While others are striving for perfect scores, he says his goal is mediocrity. All he wants is an 8. Total tonight is 38/60. Oh boy. This couple should land in the Bottom Two.

Joey & Kym do the Jive. He's in gray vest and pants, white shirt with a pink tie. She is in a hot pink dress with black bustier and black petticoats. This is really good. They are moving well together. It's a lot of fun. At the end he performs a one-handed handstand.

MG: "OMG 1. Joey!"
AMAI: "Wasn't that awesome? Really enjoyable dance from them."

Len: "It had a freedom but wasn't wild. Had control not too stiff. It was totally in sync." Haha.
Bruno: "Smashing showcase of talent. You proved to anyone who doubted."
Carrie Ann: "You're flexible! Who knew? Sharp tight energetic."

MG: "Yes, he's so much better than the rest."
AMAI: "That was just like Len said. I would add it was dramatic and had flair, but it wasn't too theatrical."
MG: "Oh god, can I take it back then?
AMAI: "Take what back?"
MG: "I don't want to talk like Len."
AMAI: "LOL. That wasn't what I meant, but nvm! It's over!!"

With everyone loving it, that should be 10s across the board. And … it is! 10, 10, 10. A perfect set of tens. They look really happy. Oh, we learn that Kym won the trophy in the Australian competition. So of course Joey really wants to win this, not least because another boy band alum has already done well.

MG: "I didn't want to like Joey because he has so much experience, it's kinda not fair. But I like him anyway."
AMAI: "Well, they all have strengths. I like Joey too and I did NOT want to."
MG: "I know people who still feel that way, they don't want another Boy Band alum to win."
AMAI: "I don't care."
MG: "Me neither."

So, our scores for Latin:
MG: 1. Joey. 2. Apolo 3. Laila 4. Ian 5. John 6. Billy Ray
AMAI: "1 Joey; 2. Apolo; 3. Laila; 4. Ian; 5. Billy Ray; 6. John.

For Ballroom we agreed on 1 Joey; 2/2 Laila/Apolo; 4. Ian; 5. John; 6. Billy Ray.

For Latin we differed slightly:
MG: 1. Joey. 2. Apolo 3. Laila 4. Ian 5. John 6. Billy Ray
AMAI: "1 Joey; 2. Apolo; 3. Laila; 4. Ian; 5. Billy Ray; 6. John.

Combining them, we agree on:
Joey: 1, 1
Apolo: 2, 2
Laila: 2, 3
Ian: 4, 4

We split on Billy Ray and John, but we agree that both guys will be eliminated over the next two weeks.

Thanks for reading!

SirLinksALot Dancing With The Stars links have more recaps and articles about Season 4 of this show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great recap! I enjoy this new longer version, and I like it over here too! I wonder who will go?

(please, please, please- Let it be Billy Ray!)

6:46 PM  

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