October 16, 2006

Episode 5: Intrepid Explorers & Doing The Mashed Potato


motivational poster by Mateui

Episode 5

One of the more interesting things to occur on Survivor in recent memory was this episode's visit by Cao Boi, Ozzy and Flicka to Raro's camp.

First, the "dancing" by Candice and Sundra to avoid the journey was mildly amusing.

motivational poster by NIGHTCRAWLER

Ultimately, tho, those two women missed a golden opportunity to infiltrate the mad hatters' group and find out what, if anything, is going on with them.

Arriving on the island gave Ozzy the chance to tell the viewers what he thinks of them:

motivational poster by peasprouts

It was the visit itself, however, that inspired
KaizerSozeLives to start a thread entitled, "I thought they weren't allowed to invade the other tribe..." He reprinted info from Wikipedia, which advises,

"Tribe members may not raid or visit the campsite of another tribe unless they are doing so as part of an immunity challenge, reward challenge or tribal merger activity with the other tribe. They also cannot visit the TV crew compound."

The entry lists the five times a contestant has been allowed to tread on forbidden ground, including Mike Skupin's rescue in Outback and Guatemala's visit by one tribe to another to invite them for chocolate and a dip in the pool. Also listed? The Aitu visit to Raro. That's pretty quick updating.

Survivor300: "Cao Boi really screwed things up for himself. I did think that going to the other camp brought something different to the show."

Pink Karnation: "Why didn't any of them have the balls to tell Cao Boi to shut the fuck up?

motivational poster by KaizerSozeLives

KaizerSozeLives: "Not that I'm realy complaining - Cao Boi's incessant blabbering was hilarious. And then he asks for spices too, what a jackass. But has anyone heard anything regarding this rule? Seems like the producers would tell them where they were and weren't allowed to go. Makes me wonder if we'll see more of this sort of thing in the future, which might be cool."

love me or leave me: "I have a feeling it's being 'allowed' sometimes now to help spice up an episode and give a little more "action." I wouldn't even be surprised if production sort of encouraged it. But the survivors are probably well aware of that and know it wouldn't be allowed more than one "accidental" time."

sir debb eaton hogg: "It could be because it was an honest mistake, i.e. these three dimwits had no idea the island was already inhabited. But given that, wouldn't you want to leave if you were greeted the way Cowboy, Flicker and Oz were?"

motivational poster by smokeitgood

WylDawg: "I thought the contestants from every season knew where the other tribes were located and thus had to stay away from there. But in Guatemala, they clearly showed us that you're allowed to visit the other tribe I guess."

NIGHTCRAWLER: "They obviously had cameramen and production crew with them. I don't think that they were TOLD that the other tribe was there, but they weren't stopped from going there either. They thought it would make good TV. They were partly correct."

Francois40: "I thought for sure they'd get in trouble somehow. It may have been an accident that they landed on Raro's island, but Flica, an ex-Raro, surely recognized the path to camp before they actually popped in on them. I expected them to say, "Oh Shit!" and make haste getting out, NOT pop in for tea and crumpets."

PoChop: "I doubt Flicka would even remember the name of her previous tribe."

Mateui: "If they weren't violating a rule, they might as well have waited until Raro fell asleep, and then started raiding the camp. Now that would have been awesome TV."

KaizerSozeLives: "That's what I was thinking - after they get back to camp and realize that they didn't get in trouble, would they consider going back for a night-time raid or something? It would totally freak the other tribe out, especially if you came in screaming and howling. The other tribe would be put totally off-balance for the challenge the next day. Would be hilarious to watch."

WylDawg: "I'm pretty sure someone would wake up if they raided the camps. The sleeping conditions are horrible so it just makes that much easier to wake up. And seeing as the other tribe is miles away, you have to wonder if it's worth hiking/canoeing there in the middle of the night just to get caught 30 seconds after you arrive at their camp."

peasprouts: "Now watch, the evolution of this is that in season 14, both tribes will send out scouts to locate each other's camps and perform night stealth raids. Eventually, someone's gonna get killed."


Speaking of people getting killed, what the hell happened to Becky this episode?

motivational poster by NIGHTCRAWLER


This episode marks the true debut of Adam (aka "Adumb"); not that it was meaningful but it was double the amount of facetime he'd had in the first 4 episodes put together. Italian Dudeps started a thread (and it didn't get locked!) asking what everyone thinks of Adam now.

motivational poster by jppuertorico85

yelluwskys: "Actually I kinda like him. He's becoming the core player in the team…"

ManWhore019: "Still a douchebag."

PussInBuutz: "Hated him."

pjadedd: "I did like his 'I thought Cristina knew she was a bitch' line."

erickman: "I like how he fishes: just walks around and fish wrap around him."

motivational poster by notremojo

ItalianDudeps: "I think he makes jury now, to be honest."

ShiverMeTimbers: "Actually he didn't bother me this episode. He had a right to be pissed about the octopus mishap. And he and Nate toughed out that challenge, good for them."

Mega64: "He actually suggested sending back to EI someone who's previously been to EI. Where the hell did that come from? He's probably the dumbest person there, yet he's also the only one smart enough to realize this limits the potential candidates holding the HII. I don't know what to think. Is he a meathead or is he just playing really really dumb?"

NIGHTCRAWLER: "He's whiny and delusional."

Francois40: "Seems like the usual 'bump in airtime before the boot' syndrome to me."

MidnightPrince: "His lips were made for sucking. That's all that matters. I wouldn't mind having his lips wrapped around my dick. So he's useful for something. I'd make him swallow too because he's such a bitch."

sunsawed: "Man candy. NEXT."


When a contestant departs, his or her picture at Sucks is replaced with an image specially chosen for its aptness. For example, Sekou, being a jazz musician and a cartoonish character, is now depicted by Bleeding Gums Murphy from The Simpsons. Choosing a picture for Stephannie didn't take long.

motivational poster by notremojo

No, she's not represented by that picture. Stephannie is represented by a bowl of Mashed Potatoes.

motivational poster by notremojo

You betcha!!

vidcap by smokeitgood

This week's Blog title is linked to drinkinghotchocolate's thread asking, "Is that the first time someone got booted over a vegetable?" It's another 3-page shlep down memory lane, something the Sucksters do with increasing glee and frequency. I'm afraid this season is just not living up to expectations. It needs a major kick in the teeth. Maybe we're about to get it:

motivational poster by notremojo

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