May 09, 2007

AI6 Drew's Reviews: May 8, 2007

I find it hilarious that the producers are so clearly determined to pimp Jordin to the victory, but she is not cooperating with them, handing in shaky performances, and now the JUDGES are not cooperating, either. I wonder if the audience is really on her side or not...

MELINDA - Round 1 -- She was absolutely correct in her fear that this song was too much about sex for her. She shouldn't have done it. She has no understanding - visceral or even intellectual - about sex, and without that, this song falls flat. I didn't believe for a fraction of a second that she was passionately in love. Boooring!

BLAKE - Round 1 -- This is a hard one for me to critique, as I think he was successful in what he was trying to accomplish. He obviously loves dance music, but it's not about the hot sexy disco music. He's more about the cold, intellectual, dispassionate 90's techno vibe. It's a legitimate style, but it's not one of my favorites. I do like the quality of his falsetto voice.

LAKISHA - Round 1 -- I actually really liked her "Staying Alive". I think that she is the only one who understands the ferocity inherent in being a disco diva, and that passion and energy made it fun to watch despite the slower tempo. Also, whereas all four idols changed the songs pretty substantially in Round 1, I think that LaKisha is the only one who did so to ENTERTAIN us. The others seemed more intent on making the song fit their style or in showing off vocally.

JORDIN - Round 1 -- Tonight Jordin's look was really reminding me of Sara Ramirez. That fits pretty well with the enormous scary ogress theme from last week... This performance wasn't awful, but of three versions of this song done on the show (at least that I can remember), Jordin's was the worst. Clay outdid her technically, and Josh WAAAAAAY outperformed her in terms of sincerity and heart. I think the song is emotionally way beyond what the young, inexperienced Jordin can muster. All she is left with is the vocal, which was okay but not "wow"...

MELINDA - Round 2 -- Here was a song on which I EXPECTED her to wow us vocally, and she didn't. It was good. It was solid. It wasn't amazing. At the end, I thought she was going to blow me out with the ending (the last syllable on three ascending notes). She ruined it, though, by taking a breath after the second note and turning the third into a run. Cheap... Melinda is becoming more and more like LaToya to me (albeit more lovable) -- she is consistently good but never great. I'd rather have somebody who is less consistent but more capable of greatness.

BLAKE - Round 2 -- I don't know the song, and therefore, I could easily see it as being contemporary. I don't know how much Blake had to change it to give it that feeling -- perhaps not at all... I didn't like it, though. He spoke-sang most of it, and when he actually did sing, he was flat and his tone was pinched and almost nasally (how could Paula say he was in tune?). More importantly, I didn't know what the performance was trying to be. There was no point of view there and too much was thrown in. His first song had a clear intent, whether you like it or not. The second song was more just to sing a song...

LAKISHA - Round 2 -- I thought this was pretty good, but she was a bit too careful. If she wasn't in a competition and worried about her every move, I bet she could tear this song UP~! The catch on the last note was unfortunate and left a bad final impression, but it was no worse than what was happening with Kelly Clarkson at this point in the competition. It was a'ight.

JORDIN - Round 2 -- I'm afraid I may be giving too much credit to the song, but I actually liked this and didn't hear or didn't notice the pitch problems the judges had. I have found with Jordin that when she plants her feet and doesn't move, she's very good. If she takes even a single step, she sucks. That limitation is not a good thing in a performer...

My rankings:
Round 1:
1. LaKisha
2. Melinda
3. Jordin
4. Blake

Round 2:
1. Jordin
2. LaKisha
3. Melinda
4. Blake

Both rounds together:
1. Jordin - Round 2
2. LaKisha - Round 1
3. LaKisha - Round 2
4. Melinda - Round 2
5. Melinda - Round 1
6. Jordin - Round 1
7. Blake - Round 1
8. Blake - Round 2

1. LaKisha
2. Jordin
3. Melinda
4. Blake

SirLinksALot American Idol has more articles and recaps about this Sixth season of AI.


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