November 12, 2006

Eps 7 & 8: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!


I apologize for the delay in getting this Blog updated. By the time I'd recovered from a bout of flu last week, it was Wednesday, so I figured I'd just combine the two weeks into one entry. Besides, there wasn't that much of interest in Real Ep 7. Basically Flicka got the boot.

motivational poster by notremojo

Oh, and Ozzy caught a chicken he found while taking a dump.

Episode 8 provided excitement mainly in the form of surprises.

Surprise 1: Mutiny

When Jif announced the opportunity to mutiny, it was as if he'd morphed into a fairy godfather.

chop by ?

The twist also yielded plenty of fodder for a thread started by drinkinghotchocolate, which she called "Rank the stupid moves from tonight in order of stupidity." Of course, the items that Sucksters included ran the gamut:

drinkinghotchocolate: I counted the stupid moves as: (1) Candace defecting, (2) Jonathan defecting, (3) Nate, Jenny & Rebecca voting out Brad.

Osten Carty: Yul buying those big glasses.

AllMenAreIslands: Not voting out Jenny. She'll probably hook back up with Yul and Becky and be the ruination of everyone except Parvati, the only girl Jenny's ever loved.

Sunshine8503: (1) Nate, Jenny, and Rebecca voting out Brad; (2) Candace defecting.
Jonathan was screwed if he stayed or left so it didn't matter.

drinkinghotchocolate: Agreed (re Nate et al voting out Brad), good clarification,

Butterfly Flutterby: I didn't see this episode yet but Brad staying with his tribe who hate him sounds dumb.

Survivor Boy: Jonathan getting pissed at Probst... you don't want to mess with Probst!

pjadedd: Not voting out Candice or Jonathan. Wasn't Jenny sitting right there when Candice was telling Adam she didn't want to send him to Exile Island, etc, etc? It's obvious why she switched sides and one of the two people who were part of the mutiny should have gone.
ETA: Brad not taking part of the mutiny. He had nothing to lose. He was at the bottom of the totem pole of Raro (not sure if he realized it, though). Moving wouldn't really have hurt him.

vertstylus: Brad blabbing that he doesnt trust any of his tribe mates.

Canuky: jonathan defecting, candice defecting, yuls glasses, brad saying he doesnt trust his tribe, yul almost giving away the aiming secret, brad not defecting, (although at the time it wasn't all that dumb)

ChicaDificil: From least stupid to most stupid

3)Voting out Brad--It made sense to keep Jonathan over Brad since Jonathan had burned his bridges with the Aitu tribe. There was no threat of Jonathan aligning with any Aitus post-merge.

2) Jonathan defecting--He was already kind of in the outs with Aitu, and once Candace defected, he probably felt even more screwed. He would have been screwed in either tribe.

1) Candace defecting--She had a good thing going with Yul and Becky. All she had to do was be patient, and she would have still reunited with her frat-sorority clique of Adumb and Parvati. By defecting, she made herself instantly disliked by her Aitu friends. After such a betrayal, they are unlikely to vote for her if she were to make it to F2.

star jumper: 2. Me reading this thread. 1. You making this thread.

growsonwalls: 1. Candice defecting to be with her Aitu friends. They will probably merge in, what, 3 days? 2. Nate, Brad, Jenny, Jonathan, and Rebecca not teaming together to oust the Whitey threesome (Candice, Parvati, Adumb.) 3. Brad not defecting. 4. Jonathan defecting. He was screwed either way though.

Organized Grime: I think Brad not jumping ship should be on there -- although it does show that he wasn't the treacherous snake that Raro tried to make him out to be.

Him saying that he didn't trust Raro was NOT the reason he was voted out. They already knew going into TC that they were booting Brad, so good on him for getting the last word.

1. Candice jumping ship.
2. Nate/Jenny/Rebecca voting out Brad instead of Jonathan.
3. Brad not jumping ship/Jonathan jumping ship. (tied)

karen1407: 1) Candice deflecting. It could/should blow up in her face, but you never know. Of course, macking with Adumb next week won't help her.

2) Yul practically yelling to just look thru the cannonball chute and forget the stupid target thingy. That could have fucked them over. It didn't, but that doesn't make it any less stupid of a move on his part, and I love me some Yul.

3) Casting Rebecca, Becky & Sundra and not bothering to give them any screen time to date.

squashthebeef: 1. Turning on the TV. 2. um...I got nothing

Organized Grime: Candice was never in danger of leaving on Aitu -- Becky and Yul trusted her more than Ozzy, Jonathan or Sundra. She's killed her chances to actually win the game. If she's up against Adam or Parvarti, they theoretically have votes from other members of Raro while she will always be viewed as a traitor (even by the Raro jurors for abandoning her tribe). She would have been reunited with A/P soon enough without the scarlett letter. Then she would have had two cushions of safety (A/P and B/Y).

WylDawg: It's funny that people get voted off for saying it's every man for himself, because it's actually true.

AllMenAreIslands: Organized Grime, there's so much we don't see, but from the little we have seen, we know Yul was starting to spend quality strategizing time with Ozzy. Yul bandied Ozzy's name around as someone to boot "soon," but she may have been hearing that for a couple of boots now (Cao Boi and Flicka boots) and begun to feel like the talk of booting Ozzy was just a cover to keep the actual bootee in the dark. I think she felt VERY uneasy at Aitu.

ktchong: Jonathan did not have a choice. He had to leave, because when Candice stepped out of the mat, he immediately become the next guy on the chopping block.

drinkinghotchocolate: Jonathan was the next guy on the chopping block regardless. If anything, he benefited because now everyone thinks he has alienated so many people. He's now one of those "I'd like to have him at the end with me" guys. Candace's move was definitely dumber, because: 1) She had 4 people who were loyal to her. 2) She went from an alliance with 4 people to an alliance with 2 people she "likes better." 3) She is going to be a bigger target than Jonathan because of her relationship with Adumb.

smashbox: This is all easy for us to say after we had like 5 hours to think about it. Candice and Jonathan only had 10 seconds.

drinkinghotchocolate: Um, it took me two seconds after Probst annouced the twist to say, "Wow, you'd be a complete idiot to mutiny."

smashbox: Is it possible it could have been Candice and Jonathan's plan to defect and totally sabotage the Raro tribe and then go back to the Aitu alliance after the merge?

KerryAhn: Jonathan made the stupidest move. He panicked and followed Candace without thinking about it. When in doubt, stay put…. Candace made a questionable decision. She figured she had a better chance with Parv/Adumb than she did with Becky/Sundra. While she was in no danger on Aitu (love you, AMAI, but what are you smoking?) it was pretty obvious that Becky's primary loyalty is to Yul, not her, and who knows where Sundra's primary loyalty lies (Rebecca and Nate, still?) …Nate, Rebecca and Jenny thought they were making a smart move, as they don't see Jonathan as a threat. And truly, he's not but that doesn't mean he won't become one. They need to wake up and start thinking about the game a little more logically, less emotionally. I think they eventually will, I only hope that they aren't in a pagong situation by that point.

drinkinghotchocolate: This was worth her throwing away 4 jury votes and creating a team that hates her?

Oowatanite: Candice made a stupid move. She was in a F3 with Becky and Yul. She had Ozzy and Jonathan and Sundra ahead of her in the boot pecking order. She will receive no winning votes from the remaining Aitu, unless Jonathan is sitting beside her at F2. Jonathan had no choice but to jump, once Candice pulled the trigger. Rebecca, Jenny and Nate were foolish to allow the four white Raros to get a numbers advantage in their tribe. Nate is the main culprit though, and Jenny and Rebecca had to vote Brad just to keep themselves "voting with the tribe."

drinkinghotchocolate: Let's get serious here too. Jonathan did have a choice, just not a good one. He was at the bottom of the pecking order no matter what he did. If anything, making himself a bigger target was almost a good move. He's already the biggest target anyways, why not make it so that he's such a big target, that he's not that much of a threat?

The conversation and debate continues. And personally, I've begun to see that Jonathan's defection was not the stupidest move of the episode: not booting Jonathan was, tied with Brad not jumping ship when he had the chance. He'd still be in the game.

Surprise 2: Yul's Glasses

motivational poster by notremojo

Surprise 3: Aitu winning both challenges

"Wow. Someone shot a big load onto Yul's back."
caption by Coachocd

motivational poster by Tatiana888

Perhaps it's just that both challenges were geared to Ozzy's strength, swimming, but one can only imagine how worried the mutineers were.

motivational poster by suzaneartheriver

A lot more worried than when they all joined up, that's for sure. As we saw, it was pretty obvious that Raro didn't look at the alliance staring them in the face.

motivational poster by Organized Grime

Surprise 4: Brad 1st Member of Jury
I started a thread about this twist and everyone had all sorts of ideas about how it will play out.

AllMenAreIslands: YAY. I get my wish! I asked for a bigger jury.

Ralph Wiggum for President: Snap! Love it. LOVE it. for anyone on Aitu over anyone from Raro.

ManWhore019: Who breaks the tie?

LPMA: I was wondering if I heard right!

RobVanStratus: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!? That makes 10 jurors....what the fuck is up with this game?

Antithesys: If you assume they still vote on only two players at the end.

NlGHTCRAWLER: Oooooooooooooooooh! That would be cool, Anti!

karen1407: WTF? Now we can have a tie w/10 on the jury?? Or will one random person not make the jury?? They can't have an F3 because they could still have a 3 way tie.

Gnomesie: Great more boring questions in the finale.

Sigvold: With fabulous Brad on the jury, it surely will be a grand jury!

Brightside Sucks: StepheME breaks the tie. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love me or leave me: :lol

vertstylus: I always thought the jury should be bigger this time because there was 20 contestants.

she314: I loved Nate's "Bitch, please!" look at the end.

dannystultz: wtf the finale's going to be rushed. 5 people, 10 jurors. Ugh

PrettyGoodYear1988: Jury of 10? Maybe someone's going to get voted out but not get on jury. Or is the jury going to decide between the Final Three instead of the Final Two? That would be interesting.

Will: What'd be funny is if Jeff says the next person will not make the jury.

TroubleInTampa: …I'm sure he was surprised at being the first member of the jury.

Vyvvi: I'm thinking they give America a vote, making 11 jurors.

PrettyGoodYear1988: I think they did that in Survivor UK, didn't they? It sounds lame, though. It would be especially pointless if there were a majority within the jury anyway.

pough: As soon as i realized it was ten jurors i had thought this too. it would be preferable over three finalists.

snowboarders only: 10-person jury HATE

platinumtlc: I would love to see a Final 3 with the Jury members voting for the winner in the final 3.

Krusty001: Didn't see that coming! It sucks that Flicka was voted out last week and not tonight though. She would have provided some good reactions on the jury.

Organized Grime: It probably won't even be a tie (especially if some dumbass like Candice is in the F2).

Strange Frute: How? I don't see how you can have a 3 way tie with 9 jurors.

QualityBobby: Well, if they vote on the final 3, that would be a 9 member jury. You could have a 3-3-3 tie.

ProbstFan123: They probably got tired of the best player losing at F3.

CyclehausensGhost: If the F3 loser didn't get a vote, that would belly-up the game.

karen1407: They can't have 3 in the finale because there are a number of ways to have a tie for two anyway even if America gets a vote. Two could tie while the third gets fewer votes. I say still a F2 and a challenge amongst the 10 jury to see who gets booted off the jury. Of simply the jury votes to see who leaves. If that ties, they have a fire tie breaker. Anyway, it seems like an interesting twist.

ag: Maybe Brad is the first... and last member of the jury.

Slick Fitz: I think this is where that mystery bottle comes in. 2 people might get voted out in the next episode, but only one will be selected to make jury. So the jury will still be set at 9.

NlGHTCRAWLER: The bottle has poison in it, and the loser on the next ep has to drink it, causing them to die.

Muad Dib: actually it's worse. The surprise in the bottle is Stephanie in paper form.

Muffdiver2: A final 3 vote would hold 9 jurors not 10

neomatrix925: Here's a voting process that would solve all! There will be an electoral college system in which the races will vote separately. Whoever gets the most votes out of those races receives a number of electoral votes corresponding to the number of members of that race left.

Tammi: Maybe a psychic has told them that someone will fall into the fire ala Mike Skupin. Then they would need ten rather than nine... This whole thing makes no sense, but it surely has everyone thinking!

unduli clone: According to TVGuide, next week's a double boot. My guess is that the losing tribe takes the bottle (according to the recap preview), and it has something to do with deciding which person who goes next week isn't on the jury.

WarningSpoilerAhead: My guess is the note in the bottle somehow has to do with someone being voted out who will NOT serve on the jury. Remember guys, there's still 11 people left and 18 days left to get to the Final Two. Which means there has to be another double boot episode, and who loses that reward challenge the person voted out does not serve on the jury as a result of losing. Just my theory.

Will: Oh how amusing it would be if Ozzy didn't get on the jury.

ProbstFan123: Yeah, but then why didn't they do the double boot this week? It makes no sense to have a booted player make the jury, then have the next person voted out not make jury, and then the next person makes the jury. It seems unnecessarily convoluted, which means it probably happens that way.

Captain Pavlov: Are you people fucking stupid? The even numbered jury is going to work just like... wait for it... a jury! Instead of each jury member getting an individual vote like they usually do in this game, they'll have to deliberate and reach a decision as a group like they do in a trial.

Survivor Boy: That's actually a really great idea, it would be cool if they deliberated right in front of the final 2.

unduli clone: Oh, and another idea I had... At the F3, there's an IC. The winner automatically advances to the F2, and the 9 jurors vote out of the remaining two members. Then one of two things could happen:
(1)The first three jurors (Brad and the next two) are done, and the F3 person joins the jury to make a 7-person jury who votes on the F2.
(2)The F3 person voted out goes home, and aren't a jury member. The 9-person jury votes on the winner.

That'd be one way of not eliminating the worthy F3 player.

Canuky: That's a wicked idea too bad its probably too good to actually happen. If the bottle contains something that could add or nullify a vote I hope to god Yul or Ozzy get it. Do they merge next episode? Beause wouldnt they be individually competing for the bottle?

Chilibmom: Or the person who gets the bottle will be able to void a vote, or double their own, or be the one NOT to make the jury. All sorts of possibilities.

The Rogue Wave: Brad really isn't on the jury. That's the message in the bottle, along with the remains of all the Survivors' SAG cards burned to a crisp.

Survivor Boy: Holy shit! Was this even spoiled before hand? I can't help but think they might bring people back.. Brad wasn't even ever on the same tribe as Ozzy and Sundra!!! How is this even fair?? If it's Yul and Ozzy in the final 2 why should Brad vote for Ozzy? He doesn't even know him! This twist is messed up and there is probably more to it. The whole voting on final 3 does kind of make sense if they're going to be 5 in the final episode.

AllMenAreIslands: It is fair because that's how it is. It's a new twist. If one or both of Ozzy and Sundra make it to F2, Brad's question would hopefully be more interesting than we've seen over the years.

Kai5925: I don't think it's fair, but ONLY because Brad has never played with Sundra or Ozzy before. I think they should have at least had everyone live together for a few days.

ProbstFan123: The bottle probably contains coupons for Red Lobster or something.

WarningSpoilerAhead: One twist at a time ProbstFan, the mutiny was set for this week and the double boot for next. However, my idea was that two people from the same tribe will be booted and the note has something to do with which one of those two won't be on the jury. I highly doubt there's Final 3 voting scenario.

Streetcleaver59: If there is a final 3, have the jurors vote 1-2-3. A F3 would get 3 points for a 1st place vote, 2 for second, 1 for third. Highest point total wins. In the event of a tie, then most first place votes etc as a tie breaker.

Sunshine8503: ~YAY~ 10 person jury!! I didn't expect that at all.

Butterfly Flutterby: On Big Brother, the final 2 are allowed to nullify someone's vote.

pjadedd: Butterfly, in the US version, that was only done in season 2 of BB.

WarningSpoilerAhead: The more I think about, the more I think that one of the Final Two will be able to nullify a jury member's vote. Perhaps as a final reward challenge held at Tribal Council in front of the jury and the winner nullifies a juror right then and there. Then the questioning begins.

MidnightPrince69: If they have three people left in the end to vote for, I'm suing Viacom for stealing my idea. That happened in my Survior game at the verse, several years ago. I knew CBS moles were taking notes.

Hey! I kinda like it here!: Obviously the note for next week will likely have something to do with keeping the Jury a non-even number. So, instead of a jury of 10, there'd be a jury of 9. What happens then at the final 2? All 9 jury members ask their questions and then each member of the final 2 has the opportunity to veto one jury member's vote…

madcap03: Didn't you people pay any attention? The bottle contained "crucial information." It's fairly obvious in my eyes that each week whether or not the TC bootee makes jury is going to be a completely random event, and the note inside the bottle details precisely which TCs have a jury member boot, and which ones don't. Imagine strategising around that!

James Barber: That means in all the seasons, all the openly gay people (except maybe Jeff Varner, I don't know if he was out or not) have made the jury.

thefunnystone: ^ What about Sonja?

James Barber: Thanks, I forgot about her. Probably because the show didn't tell people she was a lesbian.

Stranded: What if it's just like in Guatemala and it's information to help them in a future immunity challenge? Why has no one come up with this?

Bleebb: Most people seem to think there will be a 10 person jury so there can be three finalists. A different possibility is that some future challenge could be for their jury spot - i.e. the loser would lose their jury privilege.Of course, there's no way to know for sure. I'm just getting so sick of this stale old format that I wish they would cancel this thing and maybe come up with a new format that would eliminate Jiffy as well as some of the other objectionable elements of this show.

SweetDreamerr: Maybe the jury will vote one of themselves out to make 9?

There are some great ideas in there, as well as the usual contingent of jokesters. Are we correct in our assumption that there will be a bigger jury? Time will tell.

Surprise #5.
To find it, click on the title of this Blog Entry. Be careful about clicking links in the thread, because you won't get what you're looking for. Instead, check p. 7 of the thread for instructions. Happy viewing.

Until next time, thanks for visiting Survivor Sucks The Blog.

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